That song is a guilty pleasure of mine. I already heard it months ago, but I just had to press play again. It just burrows itself into your head for better or worse. 😵
Back on topic, I prefer to call you undub, it's just clever and unique.
my story in a nutshell... .
scientist for a father; extremely mentally ill, 'annointed' mother.
was privy to and also suffered a lot of abuse.
That song is a guilty pleasure of mine. I already heard it months ago, but I just had to press play again. It just burrows itself into your head for better or worse. 😵
Back on topic, I prefer to call you undub, it's just clever and unique.
hey simon, .
the recent closure of jwr made me realize that this site may not be eternal as well.
a great deal of people attach a lot of importance to xjw communities and yours is the best.
JWN users don't like mods and rules. Reminds them of elders, too close to home 😉
hey simon, .
the recent closure of jwr made me realize that this site may not be eternal as well.
a great deal of people attach a lot of importance to xjw communities and yours is the best.
Not sure if this was mentioned already, but every page should be backed up on wayback machine already anyway. Heck, you can even go see old pages from and the sites that preceded it, and
earlier this year it was announced to all congregations that the new silver songbook would ultimately be made of 150 songs, (matching the number of psalms in the bible).
however, they've apparently changed there minds in the last few months, because songs 152-154 were just posted to both jw-org and jw broadcasting..
R.E.M. - Stand??
To me its more like Weird Al's Spam.
earlier this year it was announced to all congregations that the new silver songbook would ultimately be made of 150 songs, (matching the number of psalms in the bible).
however, they've apparently changed there minds in the last few months, because songs 152-154 were just posted to both jw-org and jw broadcasting..
Earlier this year it was announced to all congregations that the new silver songbook would ultimately be made of 150 songs, (matching the number of Psalms in the Bible). However, they've apparently changed there minds in the last few months, because songs 152-154 were just posted to both jw-org and jw broadcasting.
Did you notice that there is no song 151 to be seen? It jumps from 150 to 152. I wonder if they're going to backpeddle now on releasing that deluxe silver softcover prototype they showed at the annual meeting, or if they'll even limit the number of songs in the revised songbook now . . .
a little background- i faded in august 2015. ive got to small kids and one on the way.
i dont believe the jw cult nonsense anymore.. .
ok so last night i had the scariest dream.
I had the usual Armageddon nightmares as a child, but nothing like this.
this is an older letter i wrote to the gb in october last year in regards to their policy around shunning of dissociated ones.
the letter doesn't focus on the disfellowshiped, but am in the process right now of writing to them regarding their recent watchtower on shunning disfellowshipped relatives.. the letter i wrote back in october rambles on a bit, but wanted to express my frustration to the governing body about their very unfair policy toward those who simply choose to leave.. regards.
the governing body.
Oh but it did produce results. They used his line of reasoning regarding the 'anyone called a brother' scripture at this year's convention, and you can read it in the leaked outline. So thanks to this letter, they are now cracking down harder on faders.
But keep in mind what is said at 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 ‘But now I am writing YOU to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man’. As far as I am concerned, my rule book is Gods word. Therefore I am following scripture to avoid association with this man (called a brother) regardless of whether he has been disfellowshipped or not by the congregation because that is proper and right.
the issue of whether beards are acceptable or not is addressed in the september 2016 watchtower - well sort of.
it is as clear as mud as to whether they are allowed in places like australia, usa and britain.. 17. what are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard?17 what about the propriety of brothers wearing a beard?
the mosaic law required men to wear a beard.
What--if any--differences or distinctions are there between:
the CUSTOMS of men
and the TRADITIONS of men?
the issue of whether beards are acceptable or not is addressed in the september 2016 watchtower - well sort of.
it is as clear as mud as to whether they are allowed in places like australia, usa and britain.. 17. what are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard?17 what about the propriety of brothers wearing a beard?
the mosaic law required men to wear a beard.
I would not at all be surprised if this paragraph stirs up a wave of beard-wearing JWs, each interpreting cultural norms their own way.
Yes, I do believe this is the beginning of the end for the beard ban. All it takes is for one congregations body of elders to decide beards are fine locally, (and these already exist in the US, albeit rarely), and the floodgates will open after that. Within 10 years we may even have a bearded JW used for illustrations in the publications.
the issue of whether beards are acceptable or not is addressed in the september 2016 watchtower - well sort of.
it is as clear as mud as to whether they are allowed in places like australia, usa and britain.. 17. what are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard?17 what about the propriety of brothers wearing a beard?
the mosaic law required men to wear a beard.
When presented with the fact that beards are viewed as respectable in our society, including ministers and businessmen, I've heard some witnesses retort, 'well, when was the last time a president of the united states had a beard?'
So, if presidents are our standard now instead of businessmen, that means that pantsuits should now be allowed (like Hillary Clinton)